धृतराष्ट्र उवाच :
मामकाः पण्डवैः च एव किम कुर्वत संजयः ॥ (1.01)
The first word is Dharma. This word is very loosely interpreted as “righteousness”, “moral duty”, and “religion”. The root meaning is “the purpose for which one was created “. Many of us (me included) fail to realise the real purpose for which we were created by the Creator. Those that have realized their purpose have accomplished themselves in the chosen field and have left behind them an indelible mark on this world. I may have been created by the Creator to be a teacher but for some fanciful reason I take up engineering. I might excel to some extent but still I would remain mediocre. My mind, heart and soul is not fully involved in this profession. There is always some inner force impeding my attempts at realsing my full potential.
Kshetra means “ arena”, “field” or “realm”. The second word Kshethray (notice the declension of the word) means in the arena or in the field or in the realm.
Kuru refers to the Kuru Dynasty and Kurukshetra refers to their empire. It was here the battle of Mahabharata was fought.
Samavetha means gathered or assembled ; Yuyutsava – eager to fight
Maamakaah – mine (descendents of Dritharashtra)
Pandavaih – Of Pandu (the father of Pandavas)
Cha Eva – and also ; Kim – What ; Kurvath – be (they) doing ; Sanjaya – O Sanjaya.
संजयः उवाच :
आचार्यम उपसम्गम्य राजा वचनं अब्रवीत ॥ (1.02)
Drishtvaa – having seen ; Tu – thus ; Pandava – the Pandavas ; Aanekam – Army ;
Vyoodahm – arrayed
Duryodhana – name of the eldest among the Kaurava brothers (and presently the King)
Thadha – thereafter
Aacharyam – Aacharya means Teacher or Master. With the declension of the word it means to (or towards) the Teacher (referring to Dronachaarya).
Upasamgamya – having approached ; Raajaa – the King (referring to Duryodhana)
Vachanam – Words ; Abraveeth – spoke
व्यूढाम् द्रुपद पुत्रेण तव शिष्येण धीमता ॥
Pashya – Watch ; Ethaam – these ; Pandu PuthraaNaam – of Pandu’s sons
Aachaarya – O Teacher, venerable ; Mahatheem – Superior ; Chamum – Army
Vyoodaahm – arrayed ; Drupada PuthrayNa – by the sons of Drupada
Thava – your ; shiSHyeNa – by disciple ; Dheemathaa – highy intelligent, brilliant
(Drupada PuthrayNa thava shiSHyeNa Dheematha – by your brilliant disciple, the son of Drupada)
युयुधानो विराटः च द्रुपदः च महारथः ॥
Athra – there ; Shoora – valiant, courageous ; Maheshwaasaa – skilled archers
Bheema, Arjuna
Samaa – comparable to ; Yudhi – warriors
Yuyudhaana, Viraaah, Drupadah – Names of the three commanding warriors
Cha – and ; Mahaaraththah – great charioteers
पुरुजित कुंति भोजः च शैब्यः च नरपुङवः ॥
Drishtaketu, Ekithaana, Kasi Raja, Purujit, Kuntibhoja, Sybya – names of the various commanders of the Pandava army
Veeryavaan – Courageous ; Nara – Men ; Pungava – the best (Nara Pungava – the best among men)
Cha – and
सौभद्रा द्रौपदेयाः च सर्व एव महारथाः ॥
Yudhamanu – Name of a warrior ; Vikranta – terrifying ; Uttamauja – Name of a warrior
Veeryavaan – strong ; Subhadra – (son of) Subhadra ; Draupadeyah – (sons of Draupadi)
Sarva – all ; Eva – also ; Maharatha – great chartioteers ; Cha – and
नायक मम सैन्यस्य संज्ञार्थम् तान् ब्रवीमि ते ॥
Asmaakam – ours ; Tu – too ; VisishTa – distinguished ; Ye – These
Thaan – about them; Nibodha – information
Dwijoththama = dwija + uttama (Dwija means twice born and uttama means superior) Referring to Dronaachaarya, the superior Brahmin.
Naayaka – leader, commander ; Mama – my ; Sainyasya – of army
Sangyaartham – (samjnya+ arththam) (samjnya = sam + jnya = understanding) (arththam = for the sake of) – for your understanding or information
Taan – about them ; Braveemi – (I shall) tell ; Te – to you
अश्वथामा विकर्णः च सौमदत्तिः तथा एव च॥
Bhavaan – Yourselves ; Bheeshma ; Cha – and ; Karna ; Cha – and ; Kripa
Samitinjaya = samitim + jaya = In battle + victorious
Aswaththama ; Vikarna ; Cha – and ; Soumadatthi – son of Somadatta i.e. Bhurisravas
Tattha (so), Eva (also), Cha (and) – and so also.
नाना शस्त्र प्रहरणाः सर्वे युद्ध विशारथाः॥
Anye – others ; Cha – and ; Bahava – many ; Sooraa – Courageous, valiant
Madartthe = math (me) + arthey (sake) = for my sake ; Thyaktha = sacrificing ;
Jeevitha = life ; Naana – varied, many ; Sastra – weapons ; PraharaNaa – experts at
Sarvey – all ; yuddha – in battle ; visaarattha – distinguished, specialized.
पर्याप्तम् तु इदम एतेषाम् बलम् भीमाभि रक्षितम् ॥
Aparyaaptham = limitless, endless ; tat = that ; Asmaakam = our ; Balam = strength
Bheeshmabhi = by Bheeshma ; rakshitam = protected / guarded
Paryaaptham = limited; tu = but ; idam = this ; Etheyshaam = their; balam = strength
Bheemaabhi = by Bheema ; rakshitam = protected / guarded
भीष्मम् एव अभिरक्षंतु भवंतः सर्व एव हि ॥
Ayaneshu = in the contingents; Sarveshu = in all ; Yatha = just as; Bhaagam = divisions;
Avasthitthaah = be positioned ; Bheeshmam = Bheeshma; Eva = only;
Abhirakshantu = protect / guard; Bhavanthah = you ; Sarva = all ; Eva = only;
hi = (definitely) this word is used to lay stress.
सिम्हनादम् विनद्य उच्चौ शङ्खम् दध्मौ प्रतापवान्॥
Tasya = his; Sanjanayan = fallen spirits; Harsha = to cheer up; Kuru = of the kauravas
Vriddhah = aged / old; Pitaamaha = grandfather
Simhanaadam = like the roar of a lion; Vinadhya = roared; Uchchow = loudly; Sankham = the conch
Dadhmaow = rendered / blew; Prataapavaan = His Majesty (Bheeshma).
सहसा एव अभ्य हन्यंत स शब्दः तुमुलः अभवत् ॥
Tathah = there upon; Sankhaah = conches; Cha = and; Bhayryah = kettle drums;
PaNava = cymbal ; Aanaka = Bass drum / tabor ; Gomukhaah = horn or trumpet;
Sahasaa = at once forcefully ; Abhya hanyantha = blared forth; Sa = that;
Sabdah= noise ; Tumulah = noisy / tumultuous ; Abhavath = became.
(Tumulah abhavath = reverberated) .
माधवः पाण्डवः च एव दिव्यौ शंखौ प्रदध्मतुः ॥
Tatah = there; Swethaihi = white ; Hayaihi = horses; Yukthay = yoked (yoked to white horses)
Mahathi = magnificient; Syamdhanay = in the chariot; Sthithou = stationed ;
Maadhavah = Krishna; Paandavah = Arjuna; Cha = and; Eva = also; Divyou = divine;
Sankhou = conches ; Pradadhmatuh = blew.
पौण्ड्रुम दध्मौ महाशंखम् भीमकर्म वृकोदरः ॥
Paanchajanyam = name of the conch; Hrisheekesah = (by) Krishna; Devadattam = name of the
conch; Dhananjayah = (by) Arjuna; Poundrum = name of the conch; Dadhmou = rendered, blew;
Mahaasankham = the great conch; Bheemakarma = (performer of ) terrible deeds;
Vrikoedarah = (by) Bheema.
नकुलः सहदेवः च सुघोषमणिपुष्पकौ ॥
Ananthavijayam = name of the conch; Raja = King; Kunti Putra = son of Kunti;
Yudhishtira = Yudhishtira ; (The King Yudhishtira, the son of Kunti, blew the conch Ananthavijayam)
Nakula = Nakula ; Sahadeva = Sahadeva; cha = and ; Sughoshamani = name of the conch;
Pushpaka = name of the conch.
धृष्टद्युम्नो विराटः च सत्यकिः च अपराजितः ॥
Kaasyah = the King of Kasi; cha = and ; Parameshwaasah = a great archer; Sikhandi = Sikhandi;
Cha = and; Mahaarathah = a great charioteer; Drishtadhyumna = Dhrishtadhyumna ;
Viraatah = Viraat ; cha = and ; Satyaki = Satyaki; cha = and; Aparaajitah = invincible.
सौभद्रः च महाबाहुः शंख़ान् दध्मुः पृथक् पृथक् ॥
Drupadah = Drupada; Draupadeyaah = off-springs of Draupadi; cha = and;
Sarvasah = from all sides ; Prithveepathey = O Lord of the Earth (referring to Dritharaashtra);
Saubhadrah = off spring of Subhdra; cha = and ; Mahaabaahuh = mighty armed, well built;
Sankhaan = conches; Dadhmau = blew ; Prithak-Prithak = separate-separate, distinctive.
नभः च पृथ्वीम च एव तुमुलो व्यनुनादयन ॥
Sa = that ; Ghosho = sound ;
DhaathruraashtraaNaam = of the lineage of Dritharaashtra (referring to the Kauravaas) ;
Hrudayaani = the hearts ; Vyadaarayat = rend, tear; Nabhah = the sky; cha = and ;
pruthveem = the earth; cha = and; eva = also ; Tumulah = the blaring sound ;
vyanunaadayan = reverberated.
प्रवृत्ते शस्त्रसम्पाते धनुः उद्यम्य पाण्डवः ॥
Atha = there; Vyavasthitaan = stationed; Drishtvaa = having seen ;
Dhaatruraashtraan = the lineage of Dritharaashtra ;
Kapi dwaja = (Kapi – monkey; dwaja – flag) the flag of the Kauravaas bore the insignia of a monkey;
Pravrutay = about to activate, getting ready to ; Sastra sampaatay = discharge of weapons ;
Dhanuh = the bow ; Udhyamya = lifting; Pandavah = Arjuna.
Hrisheekesam = to Hrisheekesa (Krishna) ; Thada = then; Vaakyam = words ; Idam = these ;
Aaha = spoke ; Maheepathe = O Great King.
अर्जुनः उवाच
सेनयोः उभयोः मध्ये रथम् स्थपयः मेः अच्युत,
Senayoh = two armies ; Ubhayoh = both ; Madhye = in the midst of {In the midst of the two armies}
Ratham = chariot ; Sthaapaya = position / station ; Me (may) = mine ; Achyutha = Krishna.
कैः मया सह योद्धव्यम् अस्मिन् रण समुद्यमे ॥
Yaavad = who are ; Ethaan = these ; nireekshay = see / survey ; aham = I ;
Yoddhukaaman = desirous of fighting ; avasthithaan = are positioned. Kaih = who ; mayaa = me ;
saha = with ; yodhdhavyam = must fight ; asmin = in this; raNa = battle ;
samudhdhyme = risen / up in arms.
धातृराष्ट्रस्य दुर्बुद्धेः युद्धे प्रिय चिकीर्षवः ॥
Yotsyamaanaan = desirous of fighting ; avekshe = survey; Aham = I ; yaah etheyh = those that are;
Atra = there ; Samaagatah = assembled ;
Dhaatruraashtrasya = of the Dritharaashtras i.e. Kauravas ; Durbudhdhe = evil mind;
Yudhdhe = through war ; Priya chikeershavah = to please.
सेनयोः उभयोः मध्ये स्थापयित्वा रथोत्तमम् ॥
Evam = Thus; Uktoh = having said; Hrisheekesah = Arjuna ; Gudaakesena = by Krishna;
Bhaarata =O! King Dhritaraashtra ; Senayoh = the (two) armies; Ubhayoh = the two;
Madhye = between (the three words together mean “ in between the two armies”);
Sthaapayitva = having positioned; Rathoththama = Ratha (chariot) + Uttama = the magnificient,
superior, great.
उवाच पार्थ पश्य एतान् समवेतान कुरून इति ॥
Bheeshma, Drona; Pramukhatah = facing; cha = and ; Sarveshaam = amongst all;
Maheekshitaam = great rulers; Uvaacha = said; Partha = O! Arjuna; Pasya = behold;
Etaan = these; Samavetaan = gathered; Kuroon = the Kauravas ; Iti = thus.
आचार्यान् मातुलान् भ्रातृऋन् पुत्रान् पौत्रान् सखीन् तथा ॥
Thatru = there; Apaschyath = saw; Sthithaan = positioned; Parthah = Arjuna; Pithrun = uncles;
Pitaamahaan = grandfathers; Aachaaryaan = teachers ; Maatthulaan = uncles;
Bhraathrun = brothren; Puthraan = sons; Pouthraan = grandsons; Sakheen = friends;
Thaththa = as also.
तान् समीक्ष्य स कौंतेयः सर्वान् बंधून् अवस्थितान् ॥
Swasuraan = fathers-in-law; Suhrudu = friends / well-wihers; cha = and; Eva = also;
Senayoeho = the (two) armies; Ubhayoho = the two; Api = and then; Thaan = them;
Sameekshya = having surveyed; Sa = he; Kaunteya = Arjuna; Sarvaan = all of them;
Bandhoon = relatives; Avasthithaan = positioned/stationed
28 (a).कृपय परया अविष्टो विषीदन इदम अब्रवीत्
Kripaya = sympathy / compassion; Parayaa = too deep / a very great extent;
Avishto = consumed by; Visheedan = sorrowfully; Idam = like this / thus; Abraveeth = spoke.
अर्जुन उवाच
28 (b).दृष्ट्वा इमम स्वजनम् कृष्ण युयुत्सम् सम उपस्थितम् ॥
Arjuna said :
Drishtvaa = having seen; Imam = these; Swajanam = own people ; Krishna = Krisha !
Yuyutsam = for war ; Sama = duly / properly; Upasthitham = present / positioned.
वेपथुः च शरीरे मे रोमहर्षः च जायते ॥
Seedanti = giving in / becoming weary; Mama = my; Gaatraani = limbs; Mukham = mouth;
Cha = and; Parisuhyati = parched; Vapeththuh = trembling; Cha = and; Sareere = body;
Me = mine; Romaharshah = hair rising up; Cha = and ; Jaayate = happens/becomes.
न च शक्नोमि अवस्थातुम् भ्रमति इव च मे मनः ॥
Gaandeevam = Name of Arjuna’s bow; Sramsate = slipping out; Hastaaha = (from) hands;
Tvakah = skin ; Cha = and; Eva = also; Paridahyathe = burning all over; Na = not; Cha = and;
Saknomi = possible; Avasthathum = composed ; Bhramathi = restless / agitated; Iva = indeed;
Cha = and ; Me = my; Manaha = mind.
न च श्रेयः अनुपश्यामि हत्वा स्वजनम् आहवे ॥
Nimittani = omens; Cha = and; Pasyaami = (I) see; Vipareetaani = inauspicious; Kesava = Krishna!
Na = not / never; Cha = and; Sreyah = auspicious / superior; Anupasyaami = (I) forsee;
Hatvaa = by killing; Svajanam = own people; Aahave = in battle.
किम् नो राज्येन गोविंद किं भोगैः जीवितेन वा ॥
Na = not / never; Kaangkshate = yearn; Vijayam = victory; Krishna = Krishna! ; Na = not / never
Cha = and ; Raajyam = kingdom / empire ; Sukhaani = happiness / joys ; Cha = and;
Kim = what for; No = for us; Raajyena = (from) kingdoms; Govinda = Krishna! ; Kim = what for;
Bhogaih = enjoyment ; Jeevithena = (from) life ; Vaa = or.
ते इमेः अवस्थिता युद्धे प्राणाम त्यक्त्व धनानि च ॥
Yeshaam = They (for whose) ; Artham = sake ; Kaangshitham = Desiring, yearning ; No = we
Raajyam = Kingdom ; Bhogam = Pleasures; Sukhaani = Happiness ; Cha = and
Tey = they, Imayh = here; Avasthithaa = are positioned ; Yudhdhay = for battle;
PraaNam = life ; Thyakthva = sacrificing , risking ; Dhanaani = Wealth ; Cha = and.
मातुलाः श्वशुराः पौत्राः स्यालाः सम्बंधिनः तथा ॥
Aachaaryaah = Teachers; Pitarah = fathers ; Putraah = sons ; Thaththaa = furthermore, and also;
Eva = also ; Cha = and ; Pitaamahaah = grandfathers ; Maatulaah = uncles ;
Swasuraah = fathers-in-law ; Powthraah = grand sons;
Syaalaah = brothers-in-law ; Sambandhinah = relatives ; Thaththaa = and also.
अपि त्रैलोक्य राज्यस्य हेतोः किम नु महीकृते ॥
Ethaan = These (them) ; Na – not, never ; Hantum = to kill ; Ichchami = desire ;
Ghnathah = (I am) killed; Api = also, even if ; Madhusoodhana = Krishna !
Api = even ; Thrailokya = the three worlds ; Rajayasya = of the kingdom ; Hethoe = for the sake of;
Kim Nu = what to speak of ; Maheekruthay = this earth.
पापम एव आश्रयेद अस्मान हत्वा एतान अततायिनः ॥
Nihatya = Killing; Dhaatruraashtraan = the offsprings of Dritaraashtra ; Nah = to (for) us ;
Kaa = what; Preethi = pleasure ; Syaat = comes / ensues ; Janardhana = Krishna ! Papam = Sin ;
Eva = only; Aasrayedh = reside in ; Asmaan = in us; Hatva = Killing; Etaan = These
Atataayinah = felons, grave criminals.
स्वजनम्हि कथम हत्वा सुखिनः स्याम माधव ॥
Tasmaat = therefore; Na = not , never; Arhaa = authority, right ; Vayam = us; Hantum = to kill;
Dhaatruraashtraan = the offsprings of Dritaraastra; Sva = our own; Baandhavaan = relations.
Svajanam = our own people ; Hi = indeed ; Katham = how, wherefrom ; Hatvaa = by killing;
Sukhinah = Happiness ; Syaama Madhava = O Krishna !
कुलक्षय कृतम दोषम मित्र द्रोहे च पातकम् ॥
Yadyapi = even if; Ethay = they; Na Pasyati = do not perceive (do not understand) ; Lobha = greed;
Upahata = consumed by ; Chetasa = mind ; Kula Kshya = Weakening of famiies ;
Kritam = by causing; Dosham – damage; Mitra = friends ; Drohay = by harming ; cha = and ;
Paathakam = Sin.
कुलक्षय कृतम् दोषम प्रपश्यद्भिः जनार्दन ॥
Katham Na = Why should not ; Gyeyam = think of , be aware of ; Asmaabhih = We;
Paapaath = from sin; Asmaat = this (from this sin); Nivartithum = refraining from;
Kula Kshaya = weakening of families ; Kritam = by causing; Dosham = sin;
Prapasyatbhih = clearly see, discern ; Janaardhana = O Krishna !
धर्मेनष्टे कुलम कृस्त्नम् अधर्मः अभिभवति उत ॥
Kula Kshaye = by the weakening of the family ; Pranasyati = is destroyed;
Kula Dharmaah = family traditions ; Sanaatanaah = ancient, long standing;
Dharmenashtay = by the loss of values ; Kulam = the family; Kristnam = entire (the entire family);
Adharma = lack of virtue; Abhibhavati = is overtaken by ; Utah = as also; and also.
स्त्रीषु दुष्टासु वार्ष्नेय जायते वर्णसङ्करः ॥
Adharma = non-righteusness; AbhiBhaavaat = Burgeons flourishes ; Krishna = Krishna;
Pradushyanti = gets polluted / adulterated ; Kula Streeyaha = females of the family;
Streeshu = women’s ; Dushtaasu = (in) adultery ; Vaarshneya = Krishna ;
Jaayathe = (is born) causes ; VarNasankaraha = mix-up of the breeds (cross-breeding)
पतंति पितरो हि एषाम् लुप्तपिण्डः उदकक्रियाः ॥
Sankaroe = (through) mix-up ; Narakaaya = towards hell ; Eva = also
Kulagnaanaam = those who bring shame to a family ; Kulasya = of the family ; Cha = and ;
Pathanthi = fall ; Pitarah = forefathers ; Hi = indeed ; Esham = theirs ;
Lupta = absence of or deprived of ;
Pindaha Udaka Kriyaaha = requiescat offerings (offerings to the deceased persons)
उत्साद्यंते जातिधर्माः कुलधर्माः च शाश्वताः ॥
Doshaihi = failings / shortcomings ; Ethaihi = these ;
Kulagnaanaam = those that cause ignominy to a family ; VarnaSankaraa = mix-up of cultures ;
Kaarakaihi = the causes ; Utsaadhyante = uprooting ; JaatiDharmaaha = cultural values ;
KulaDharma = family virtues ; Cha = and ; Saaswathaaha = enduring / long lasting / traditional
नरके अनियतम वास: भवति इति अनुशुश्रुम ॥
Utsanna = uprooting of ; Kula DharmaaNaam = family values ; ManushyaaNaam = of the people ;
Janaardhana = Krishna ; Narake = to hell ; Aniyatham = indefinitely ; Vaasaha = residence;
Bhavati = becomes ; Iti = thus ; Anususruma = we have heard.
यत राज्य सुख लोभेन हंतुम स्व्वजनम् उद्यताः ॥
Ahoe Batha = O! What a pity ; Mahat Paapam = Great crime/sin ; Kartum = committing ;
Vyavasitha = involved ; Vayam = we (are) ; Yat = in that ; Raajya = kingly ; Sukha = happiness ;
Lobhena = greed ; Hantum = to kill ; Swajanam = our own people ; Udhyataaha = have risen.
धार्तराष्ट्रा रणे हन्युः तत मे क्षेमतरम् भवेत् ॥
Yadi = if ; Maam = Our ; Aprathikaaram = non-response ; Asastram = unarmed ;
Sastra = weapons ; PaaNayaha = on hand ; DhaatruraaShtraa = Of springs of Dhritaraashtra ;
RaNay = in the battle field ; Hanyuhu = are slain ; Tat = then ; May = to me ;
Kshemataram = well being ; Bhaveth = will happen.
सञ्जय उवाच
विसृज्य सशरम् चापम् शोका सम्विग्न मानसः ॥
Evam = thus ; Uktwaa = having spoken ; Arjunaha = Arjuna ;
Sankkhye = in the midst of the battle field ; Raththa = Chariot ; Upastha = Seat ; Upavisath = sat ;
Visrujya = having discarded ; Sasaram = the bow ; Chaapam = arrows ;
Soka = saddened / sorrowful Samvigna = disturbed / agitated ; Maanasaha = Mind.
ऊँ तत सत इति श्रीमत भगवत गीतासु उपनिषत्सु ब्रह्म विद्यायां योगशास्त्रे
श्रीकृष्ण अर्जुन संवादे अर्जुन विषाद योगो नाम प्रथमो अध्यायः ॥